Hello oppih.me , It's me!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

每回新建一个 WordPress 的 blog,首先出现的必然是这样一篇日志,而我还往往喜欢将其稍作补充说明再保留下来。

与以往辗转于不同的免费blog挂靠方案不同,这回终于选择独立的空间和域名了, oppih.me ! 🙂

最早在 Ubuntu 中文论坛提供的空间上开始,不过那里有关键词限制;之后幸运地得到了 乐宅 的免费服务,使用了接近一年的空间,完全无限制,也不需要自己提供域名,用了 oppih.realax.me 这样的二级域名,(那个时候我的blog更新也比较勤,同时也学会了是用大量的 wp 插件来增强 wp 的功能);可惜免费的服务停止了,中间停顿了一段时间,后来转移了数据,搬到了那时候(好像也就是今年五月的事情)刚刚开始测试的 DotCloud 上,那真是一项 amazing 的 SaaP,部署方式和扩展能力相当让人喜欢(有时间的话会将过程写出来分享的);DotCloud 的服务很好,在他们的 beta 阶段结束以后,收到了 pricing 的介绍,看起来,两个字:好贵。。。$ 99 一年。这让我意识到那里也不是久留之地;与此同时,作为备份,我将自己的 blog 数据导入到 oppih.wordpress.com 上,并没有在那里扎根的意思——原因很简单,wordpress 可以访问,但是 /wp-admin 可是被墙的哦;另外一个迫使我迁移的原因是,由于 dotcloud 的那种『新颖』的实现机制,导致我的数据库一直处理的不太正确;对访问没有影响,但是我的一部分插件却不能调取需要的数据。或许是我自己的配置有误,但是,我只是想有个简单的 blog 啊,没必要成为DBA 啊……(好吧,刚转移到新站,dotcloud 上的博客 被我顺手点了个升级到 wp 3.2.1,接着就挂掉了……默哀)(下面这块东西提取的不太正确的样子)

dbody { background-color: #dedede; background-image: url(http://gateway.dotcloud.com/bg.png); margin: 0; }
dh1 { padding: 280px 0 0 0; margin: 0; text-align: center; font-family: ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 24px; font-weight: normal; }
dh2 { padding: 5px 0 0 0; margin: 0; text-align: center; font-family: ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #999; font-weight: normal; }

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Hello world again and again! (on dotcloud)

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

As we start our wordpress blog, this post is always the very first message been posted out here. And this time, after I set up here on dotcloud for about 20 days, I finally decide to tear down those plugins or widgets, just leave my old posts to this new site! (May I should totally start from an empty  wordpress blog?)


Anyway, last night, I logined on to my so-called ‘backup blog’ on wordpress.com, and wrote a short article in English there. Want to read it ? OK, it’s HERE A brief history of my bloging life.

Yes, maybe I can say I’ve been a blogger for 5 years, but acctually I have not writing so much things, just what you can find here.

And, this is also the first post in English here on dotcloud. I’ve got the feeling to use English in writing posts and try to manage English. So there must be many mistakes when I start, you’re welcome to point out in the comments : )

I’ve got many much ideas, thoughts and experiences to write. I have a feeling to write them down, I have a feeling to express. It’s a good feeling, right?

I konw an active blog is usefull when you ‘need’ it. I use ‘need’ because maybe some can certainly make it without any blogs or something likewise. But as an somewhat “ITer”, I think I’d better keep a blog. Anyway, it’s a good habbit wo write down every important experience we have in life.

Next, I want to write something about my plan to solve Project Euler, something about App.Inventor, some usefull materials to learn Python, how I use services on dotclooud, my trainee life in Aragon, and, how I would try to build my site http://www.oppih.dotcloud.com

It’s late night. It’s time to say G’Night.

Get ready for a new day, because it’s your youngest day in the rest of your life.


Hello world!

Welcome to Blog.ubuntu.org.cn. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

The sentence upside is the system default message that set for the new bloger.I’m happy to use it as my first post. And I’m also glad that you are intrested in my blog. Enjoy it !

As I remember, when we learning a new kind of language,the first program that used as an example is ‘hello world’. So I’d like to post some below.


int main(){
printf("Hello World C!\n");
return 0;


#include #include
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
return 0;


print'Hello world!'

OK, today I finish it here. Maybe I’ll edit it later and add more information about myself.

Happy bloging~